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  • Joined: Dec 07, 2013
    Submissions: 31
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Hi I'm Blaine and everything you need to know about me is over here.

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Blades of Temptation

It's been four years since Kurt and Blaine broke up, leaving Blaine alone in Lima with his abusive father and Kurt following his dreams in NYC.Kurt has a boyfriend, a sure career at and excelling grades at NYADA. Everything is going perfect until he runs into his ex-boyfriend and comes down with a severe case of White Knight Syndrome. Kurt follows his heart but the weight of the love may drag him down just a bit too far. Kurt's POV. Read Blaine's at kurtsontop's account! Warnings for drugs, suicide attempts, self-harm, language and sexual mentions.

E - Closed - Chapters: 8/? - Words: 15,776 - Updated: Dec 07, 2013
8,456 0 0 0 0
Categories: Angst, AU, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, OC, Rachel Berry,
Tags: friendship, soulmates, futurefic, hurt/comfort,

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Stained Glass

It's been four years since Kurt and Blaine broke up. Blaine, traumatized by the abuse his father branded him with and still obsessed with the man who shattered his heart, has turned to drugs and selling his body. When Kurt re-enters his life with a new mission to restore him to the way he was, Blaine isn't so sure he's ready to be friends with the person who ruined his life. Warnings for self-harm, suicide, language, drug abuse. Blaine's P.O.V; Kurt's P.O.V is written by coffeebeanklaine (S&C;Tumblr) /TheyCantTouchUsOrWhatWeHave (FanFiction) titled Blades of Temptation

E - Closed - Chapters: 30/? - Words: 97,681 - Updated: Dec 07, 2013
16,084 0 1 0 0
Categories: Angst, AU, Drama, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Isabelle Wright, Kurt Hummel, Mr. Anderson (Blaine's Father), OC, Santana Lopez,
Tags: bad boy AU, multiple partners, hurt/comfort,
