- Joined: Sep 04, 2011 Submissions: 0 Library: 0
i'm essentially just a fangirl starkid, archie, and gleek!) and well, nothing beyond that, really. aside from just being a fangirl, you could say i'm obsessed with everything and everyone and i'm basically just like one huge walking oxymoron, emphasis on the moron. i tend to overpunctuate but i hate capital letters. i only use them when i'm trying to impress someone online. i'm a major introvert and i love to pretend that i'm this insightful hipster but like in reality i'm just a mainstream fangirl. my life is literally just one huge collective mass of darren criss, harry potter, glee, klaine klaine klaine, chris colfer, fanfiction, reading, writing, starkid, laziness, cory monteith, harry shum jr, dianna agron, lea michele, crisscolfer, and david archuleta.