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  • Joined: Mar 16, 2012
    Submissions: 9
    Library: 9


Whenever Kurt Hummel looks in the mirror all he sees is an ugly and fat boy. His mind tortures him and tells him things all day about himself. His thighs are too big. His hips are too wide. His legs are chubby and don't forget his stomach. Will Blaine discover his disorder before it becomes too late?

T - Closed - Chapters: 1/? - Words: 949 - Updated: May 01, 2012
892 0 0 0 0
Categories: Tragedy,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: established relationship, futurefic, OMG CREYS, hurt/comfort,

Marry Me?

Blaine Anderson kills himself before Kurt Hummel had something to ask him.

T - Closed - Chapters: 1/? - Words: 840 - Updated: Apr 04, 2012
844 0 0 0 0
Categories: Angst, AU, Drama,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: character death, OMG CREYS, hurt/comfort,

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Fix a Heart

Kurt Hummel is really fed up with the bullying and has become very depressed. He meets a new student, Blaine Anderson, who has gone through the same thing.

M - Closed - Chapters: 4/? - Words: 4,101 - Updated: Apr 05, 2012
449 0 0 0 3
Categories: Angst, AU, Drama, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: OMG CREYS, hurt/comfort,
