- Joined: Sep 30, 2012 Submissions: 0 Library: 0
Glee and Klaine are my LIFE and although I don't write fanfiction, reading it is part of my daily life. No one needs to be tonned down by stereotypes because everyone is unique and everyone is free to live the life they want and choose which is something I stongly believe in. Klaine has taught me to shine, have courage and be myself more than anything. No one deserves to be treated like dirt and Klaine's love is powerful enough to fight against anyone that calls their way of life 'wrong.' Like Brian from The New Normal says, 'The most unique parts of you are also the parts that will lead you to greatness.' This is a message I see and value in Glee and is something that makes me turn away from the haters and turn to the people who are proud to be who they are. Klaine is a powerful force that makes you laugh, cry and leave your mind open to what could happen to them in the future. This is why fanfiction is important to us klainers...it continues the story and relationship that needs to be told.