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- Joined: Aug 06, 2012 Submissions: 2 Library: 2
So...Hi guys..my name is Karla Cajas but I like people calling me Karly...I'm from Ecuador and yes..I should write in spanish and I do haha but I love writting in english too...and I ship Klaine so...I'm here to let my imagination float...haha I just wanted to say that after every note I write I put GBY...God Bless You...I'm Catholic...I love Jesus..a Lot....and I ship Klaine..I don't think that's a problem hahaha I can't wait to read your fics guys...you rock!!! So Klainers gonna Klaine and GBY haha :)

The Heart Never Lies
Kurt Hummel is about to find three people who are going to change his life, an FBI Agent, a Forensic Anthropologist and his dreamy nephew Blaine Anderson.
T -
Closed -
Chapters: 1/? -
Words: 1,479 -
Updated: Aug 06, 2012
Categories: Crime, Crossover,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: friendship,