Just an average college kid playing in the sandbox for awhile until medical school. I write because I love to, and sometimes as an outlet. I tend to write medical-based angst because I'm a medical nerd.Speaking of, I like angst. All of the angst.My ask on Tumblr is always open :)
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Suddenly I'm Flying
Everything is electric that first time. Everything is new, and raw, and full of feelings. The First Time filler scene.

Don't act so surprised. After getting bullied so much I took up boxing. Tag to 3x08 Hold on to Sixteen Headcanon on why Blaine took up boxing, post-Sadie Hawkins. Warning for severe bullying/gay bashing/homophobia.

Harder to Breathe
Friday night dinner at the Hudmels' becomes a nightmare when Rachel brings dessert and Blaine neglects a childhood allergy.

Blaine approaches Santana after "Perfect" to offer some understanding. Episode 3x07 Spoilers

Originally "Untitled Near-Drowning Fic" on my Tumblr. Pre-Dalton. A run in with a bully and a swimming pool nearly ends in disaster for Blaine-who's never learned how to swim. Warnings for severe bullying and near-drowning of a major character.

Originally "Untitled Blaine Headspace Drabble from 3x05" on Tumblr Blaine's father makes a comment that drives him to the auditorium on opening night. Spoilers for 3x05, "The First Time"

The Weather Outside is Frightful
Black ice, a secluded back road, and below freezing temperatures lead to a fairly serious predicament for Kurt and Blaine. Hypothermia!Klaine.

What Doesn't Kill Me (Doesn't Kill Me)
It's all of these things combined, not just one of them, and it's the resulting sense of despair that he can't explain in words. It's not necessarily that he's sad all the time, because that's not really the case. It's more that he's tired, and sometimes just wants the world to stop so he can get off, catch his breath. Freshman year of college does not end up for Blaine like he'd hoped it would.Warnings for talk/discussion of major depression and brief thoughts of suicide.

The Sadie Hawkins Experience (Or the Reason Why Blaine's a Junior)
Must've Done Something Right
Blaine has a migraine. Kurt cancels their plans to take care of him.
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Close Enough to Normal
It Only Hurts When I Breathe
Blaine hasn't been himself for weeks, but it isn't until Wes is startled awake at 3AM by a hysterical Blaine that the severity of Blaine's emotional state comes to light. The fallout of Blaine's second suicide attempt, and an expansion of a scene in my previous fic, Please Hear Me Calling. It's probably somewhat necessary to have knowledge of that fic before this.. MAJOR, MAJOR TRIGGER WARNINGS FOR VIVID IMAGES AND DESCRIPTIONS OF SELF-HARM AND A SUICIDE ATTEMPT.

The Sadie Hawkins Experience (Or the Reason Why Blaine's a Junior)
Hostage to My Own Humanity
Blaine has a seizure for the first time with Kurt-in the choir room before Glee.

The Sadie Hawkins Experience (Or the Reason Why Blaine's a Junior)
Forget and Not Slow Down
SPOILER ALERT. The real reason Blaine's a junior? He spent his freshman year recovering from a traumatic brain injury suffered in his post-Sadie Hawkins assault. He tells a very confused Glee Club his story after Tina asks why he's in her English III Honors class. WARNINGS: Some medical squick, homophobia and depictions of physical violence

Take These Broken Wings
Kurt asks Blaine to expand on his revelation in "Prom Queen," and Blaine reluctantly shares the story of his Sadie Hawkins assault, its aftermath, and the lingering fears he struggles with.

The Sadie Hawkins Experience (Or the Reason Why Blaine's a Junior)
Assorted fics/ficlets that explore the fallout of Blaine's Sadie Hawkins assault and his recovery from a traumatic brain injury.
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Close Enough to Normal
Blaine Anderson has spent nearly half his life fighting an addiction to self-injury. Various moments and scenes throughout his recovery, both in the future and the past. BLANKET TRIGGER WARNINGS FOR SELF-HARM, DEPRESSION, SUICIDE, AND THE LIKE. PLEASE READ AT YOUR OWN RISK IF THOSE ARE TRIGGERING FOR YOU.