So here is my bio. Listen up because I am only gonna say this once.My names Alexx **wave** I'm 22 and I'm a pretty easy person to get along with and get really excited about people liking the same stuff I do. I can be very odd at times and I like to make up my own words and I like to say sounds instead of making them if that makes any since at all. If you want to know more about ME just go check out my Tumblr. It has pretty much everything you need to know about me on it.Writing is a hobby of mine, it's just something I like to do to escape the world around me. I try and update as much as possible but I am also like Tinker Bell And Rachel Berry when it comes to my writing, I need applause reviews to continue. I write all the time but is no one gives me feedback I assume that no one likes it and I tend to not update so please review or message me. I love to hear from people.
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An unknown kind of love.
Kurt Hummel has found himself in a place he never thought he would be when his best friend comes to him with some unexpected news...he's going to be father. (I'm not even going to try and write a summary because I suck at them and no it's not a bp!Blaine)
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The Hotel Room
I know it's late, I know you're weary I know your plans don't include me What happened after the door closed. A one-shot from I Do
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A Love Letter and Wine Box Ceremony
Kurt and Blaine have been married for 6years but after months of fighting they are both worn out but before they call it quite they have one thing they must do. Will a bottle of wine, two love letters and an old box of memories help?