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New Morning
They meet on a train. Stuff happens. (AU)

Little Numbers
AU: Blaine sends a text message to a wrong number by accident. Things progress from there.

You. are. a GOD. Two words= LITTLE NUMBERS

I love you

:D <3

Best of the Best.

i found out about you and little numbers from my best friend and ever since than i been hooked

Awesome author.

The characterization through the texts is so charming and so right on! Keep up the good work. I'm a fan!! Ellen

I don't think I'll ever read better Klaine fanfiction than Little Numbers. I'm actually afraid to because nothing will compare, and I'll just get dissappointed. Finished the entire series in 3 hours, 'till around 4 o'clock in the morning. COULDN'T STOP READING. Damn you and your perfection.