- Joined: Apr 04, 2012 Submissions: 9 Library: 9
Who am I? That's a good question. I'm just a girl looking for my niche in this world. I'm a little zany but fun, somewhat shy when I first meet you. I do enjoy writing and I used to post at fanfiction.net; most fo my fanfiction and stories are in the process of finding a home at my fiction journal, didnttakestars.
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Love and Lust
Written for Round Three of (http://klainemadness.livejournal.com/) klainemadness; the prompt was to compare and contrast love and lust.
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Snake in the Bedroom
Written for Round Two of (http://klainemadness.livejournal.com/) klainemadness; the prompt was write a story using at least four words chosen by the mods. My words were rental, pond, sugar, snake.

Coffeeshop Resonance
Kurt and Blaine in a coffeeshop. It's no Lima Bean, but it'll do.

Timing Is Everything
Written for (http://backinblack.livejournal.com/) backinblack, who bid on and won me for (http://thepurpledove.livejournal.com/) thepurpledove. She wanted "Futurefic where Blaine never went for Kurt in high school (not his type?) but now he's vying to date him." Title comes from a song Garrett Hedlund sang in Country Strong.
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How to Break Walls Using Only Sex
Author's note: Written for Round 1 of (http://klainemadness.livejournal.com/profile) klainemadness. Theme was location, and I was assigned theatre scene shop. Had to be between 500-1,000 words
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Gain the Upper Hand
A story about two rival mob bosses, their deadly rivalry, and the man caught in the middle.

Death By Marriage
Based on this (http://didnttakestars.tumblr.com/post/20010830014/beautifulhigh-noregretsjustglee) gifset: The Anderberry and the Hummel-Hudson families are rich and proud, and they don't marry just anyone. So the parents decided that their children's gonna get married to each other. Rachel's more than happy when the day comes, but Kurt doesn't want any of this - because the only person he wants to marry is Rachel's brother, Blaine.So what if they run away...?