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- Joined: Nov 28, 2015 Submissions: 33 Library: 33
Just another huge Glee nerd. Seriously though, i owe Glee and Klaine everything, and i honestly do not know where i'd be right now if it wasn't for them. Anyway, i post stories sometimes, and i read stories probably more often than what would be considered healthy. And i have no clue why i'm so late to submit to this site, cause i've been a fan for a long time now, but i guess i'm thinking of writing my own stories, so yeah. Oh and i'm from Sweden, so that's why the language might not always be on point, but i try my very best!Ignorance is just prejudice (!)
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Save Tonight
After a one night stand, Kurt Hummel did not expect to ever see the man he slept with again, but it turns out that the universe has other plans.
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He Loves You
Blaine and Kurt just got engaged. The word 'fiancé' wont leave their minds. Basically just fluffy smut, happening after the engagement in 5x1.Hope you enjoy it!
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You've got to hide your love away
During Kurt Hummels last year of high school, he falls hopelessly in love with a hazel eyed, gorgeous and kind man. A man who just happens to be Kurt's English teacher.
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First Valentine
So this is just basically what happened after that little Valentines Day party at Breadstix in 3x13. Kurt missed seeing both of Blaine's eyes while he was having the eye patch on. And they both missed touching each other. A lot.