- Joined: Dec 04, 2013 Submissions: 14 Library: 14
I am a 16 year old creative media production student who loves to write.
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Going The Distance
Blaine Anderson is having a hard time coming out to his friends and family. He stumbles across a website in which he can get help, where he gets paired with Kurt Hummel, an out-and-proud man living in New York City, almost 600 miles away.
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Forget Me Not
When Kurt Hummel was younger, he had a best friend. Said best friend moved away and soon forgot about him. When Kurt is faced with the boy who left with no explanation, he doesn't know how to feel or react and most importantly, why doesn't Blaine remember him? {Rating: M for future chapters.}
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Keeping Secrets
Blaine Anderson is a notourious singer with a terrible attitude. Kurt Hummel is a nineteen year old stylist, interning at Vogue. Blaine needs a stylist to attend his World Tour and Kurt isn't too excited. But everyone has their secrets.