Most of my stories are on but due to explicit rating changes, I had to move them over here. I hope they do as well as they did over there.I'm always searching for good crossovers of Glee and Doctor Who, preferably ones with Kurt as the main character. :)
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Attack of the Sycorax
Kurt's an A postive blood type. How did he and Blaine handle the Sycorax invasion?

Frill and Lace
Rachel drags an unwilling Kurt and Mercedes into Victoria's Secret. Mercedes decides to make the most of her visit by shopping for Kurt and his boyfriend. Kurt is not amused.

Dream Walker
You're a walker. Blaine grinned. "Excuse me?" Kurt asked with one of his eyebrows raised. Kurt sleepwalks and Blaine finds out about it. Chaos insues.
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Once Upon a Nightmare
After transfering to Dalton, Kurt begins to have nightmares about an abandoned town that no one dares speak about. What is it about Silent Hill and its tormented citizens that haunts his dreams?
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Pure Kismet
Most people think that it if you are a Dom, it automatically means you are a top. And they're not interested in a Dom that dosn't have the same interest. Warning: BDSM and Lemon. Future AU