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- Joined: Oct 17, 2014 Submissions: 52 Library: 52

Second Choices: A Through Different Eyes Klaine/SebAdam story
Some background / gap filler from the "Through Different Eyes" verse. What was going on behind the scenes with the two rejected swains Sebastian and Adam? Don't worry, there's Klaine here too!

Pilgrim's Progress: A Through Different Eyes Thanksgiving Story in Three Parts
A one-shot in three parts, telling more about the story in Through Different Eyes, especially the relationship among Kurt, Cooper and Blaine. In this series, Blaine and Cooper are adopted by Hiram and Leroy Berry. Blaine is four years younger than Kurt, and Through Different Eyes tells their love story. This one-shot in three parts tells the story of three very different Thanksgivings in the lives of Blaine, Kurt and Cooper as they learn and grow together.

Halloween Disguises
A Halloween one-shot in the "Through Different Eyes" Verse.
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Through Different Eyes
Blaine Anderson-Berry is in love with his sister's best friend Kurt. But Kurt only sees him as a little brother ... will Kurt ever see Blaine as more? Written for the Klaine Prompt Big Bang 2014. Age Gap fic. PG-13 Chapters 1-10, M Chapters 11-13, Pg-13 again for the conclusion, Chapter 14.

Ariadne's Curse
Very loosely based on an unclaimed prompt for the 2014 Klaine Prompt Big Bang requesting a double mpreg story where both Kurt and Blaine end up pregnant at the same time. In my take on this prompt, Kurt and Blaine are both cursed by the power of an ancient Greek goddess and the spite of a friend, to a dual pregnancy. Will the boys see the blessing hidden within the curse? This begins in season three.The prompt originally was: "I'd like an au mPreg Klaine where they're in a newly established relationship and accidentally get each other pregnant during their first time without condoms (each one had taken turns topping). It's in a world where gay men having babies is known, but not too common, so it freaks out their friends and families. I'd like it to be a funny, romantic, and sexy journey that takes them from conceptions to the dual births. Bonus points if they go into labor together. Please no bp or D/s. yes NC-17."