- Joined: Jan 12, 2013 Submissions: 0 Library: 0
Hey there! I'm Maria, I'm a Klainer (OH REALY?) but I also ship Kurtbastian, Brittana and Faberry, that's why GardeniasAndBowties, because Rachel says to Finn that he would give Quinn that thing that I forgot the name with a gardenia and a green thing to match with her eyes, lovely, isn't it? Besides Glee and Klaine, I also love Percy Jackson and The Olympians, The Hunger Games, Divergent and a lot of other books. That's why I'm kinda shy, because like Alex Bailey ( Yes, I love TLOS) my only friends are on the books, so help me and talk to me, be my friend, I'm nice, my mom says it... I'm actually from Brazil, that's why my English is very bad, sorry ;) I'm horrible with bios, so that's it! Hope you like my stories =D XoXo Gossip Girl ehehe Joking ;)