I absolutely love Klaine and Glee! I mean I have no idea what I did before glee! I think the only reason I watch glee is for Klaine! They are just adorable! I love it when you review my stories so please do that! I have stories not published on here that I think are good so favorite me so you can know when they come out! I love writing and reading fanfiction! If you have a recommdation for fanfic let me know! I never abadon my stories so don't worry about that! (If I did my sister also an author on here would kill me and force me to publish a chapter!) Also I usually only upload one story at a time and once it's finished I upload the next story! Anyway love you all read my stories, review recommend fanfiction and anything else! Thank you Cookiemonsterunicorn for being an awesome beta and thank you hipestklainer for being my banner person and making all my wonderful banners! You guys are awesome! Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvfRXwlpDlcv3o2v09JukJw

Just a Normal Day
Blaine Anderson has a secret, a secret that only his family knows. Schizophrenic!BlaineOneshot
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Words: 1,435 -
Updated: Nov 23, 2013
Categories: Angst, AU, Cotton Candy Fluff, Drama, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Mr. Anderson (Blaine's Father), Mrs. Anderson (Blaine's Mother), Will Schuester,
Tags: established relationship, OMG CREYS, hurt/comfort,
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Blaine is the most famous pop-star in the world. It's alot of stress and he turns to alcohol. Kurt is a famous fashion designer and Broadway star and dating Blaine. Everyone ships them. But Kurt can't take it anymore. Kurt leaves Blaine and tells him he will come back if he get's help. Blaine loves Kurt more than anything and wants to stop being an alcoholic for him. He learns that's easier said than done. Can he do it?
M -
Closed -
Chapters: 15/? -
Words: 23,099 -
Updated: Oct 13, 2013
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff, Drama, Romance, Suspense,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel, Kurt Hummel, Mr. Anderson (Blaine's Father), Mrs. Anderson (Blaine's Mother), OC, Rachel Berry,
Tags: established relationship, soulmates, futurefic, OMG CREYS, hurt/comfort,