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While We Are Asleep
A rare medical condition that causes unpredictable sleep and lucid dreaming allows people to travel into the dreams of others. Two boys with the condition meet in a dream and form a unique relationship while they are asleep. But with one of them seeking a cure and the other reliant on the escape the dreams provide, everything may just unravel as quickly as it all began.

Dark Blue
Tired of seeing Kurt build a bad reputation for himself just to get through high school, Santana slips him a love potion, hoping to get some of the old Kurt Hummel back and to get him to make a move on his secret crush, Blaine Anderson. It works...sort of.

Starter for Ten
It's Cambridge versus Oxford in the finals of University Challenge, and Kurt is determined that his team is going to win. He's worked too hard to lose now. Plus he has his own personal battle with rival team captain Blaine Anderson to think of. Blaine may be cute, but that won't stop Kurt from fighting him for the trophy.

While looking at the trophies in Blaine's room, Kurt realises he hasn't ever seen his boyfriend play polo or ride a horse. This is something that needs to change, and not because of his desire to see Blaine in tight riding pants. Not at all.

The Poet
Blaine can't find the words to speak to Kurt when he sees him in a coffee shop near NYADA. So instead of speaking, he writes it all down in verses and rhymes. Kurt becomes alive in the poems in his little notebook, until one day he gets the courage to speak...

Delivery Boy
Santana adds a special request to their pizza delivery order: 'Send your cutest delivery boy'. Blaine is the one to show up at their door.AU Klaine meeting.Now with two parts!
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Blaine doesn't think he'll ever fall in love, or get the chance to, but that all changes when he meets a man with blue eyes and a beautiful smile at a coffee shop. The world seems a brighter place when Kurt enters his life. The only problem is, he doesn't belong here with Kurt. He belongs ninety-one years in the past, back in the year 1923

"Hello, I'm Kurt Hummel and I'll be auditioning for the role of your husband."Klaine proposal drabble.

Off Camera one-shot. Six months after agreeing to live together on a snowy night in Paris, Kurt and Blaine are in LA while Blaine is on tour. Rings are exchanged, promises are made, and Kurt meets one Cooper Anderson who turns out to be very enthusiastic about his younger brother's love life.

Falling to Pieces
September 11th, 2001 - New York City. Blaine Anderson blows a kiss to his fiancé as the latter leaves for work. Kurt catches the kiss with a laugh as he heads out the door for an important meeting. It was a morning just like any other until it suddenly turned into something out of a horrifying nightmare. No character death.One-shot.
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My Beautiful Rescue
They all said the house was haunted, but Kurt didn't believe any of the stories and he didn't believe in ghosts, so there must be some other explanation as to why food and books are disappearing. When Kurt finds that explanation, he thinks he would have been less shocked if it really had been a ghost. He never expected to find a terrified, hazel-eyed boy living in his attic.
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Off Camera
Kurt Hummel is the host of his own popular talk show. When Grammy award winning musician Blaine Anderson makes a guest appearance on his show, Kurt gets more than just an interview out of it.*Accidentally deleted - sorry guys!*

Friday I'm In Love
When you're in the crowds at a music festival you expect to talk to strangers and get a little closer to them than you would do in another setting, but sometimes you can meet someone completely different from the average festival goer. Neither Kurt or Blaine expected to meet each other at a music festival, nor did they expect Finn's clumsiness to be the reason they met. One-shot.

Always Attract
Kurt's first semester away at NYADA is almost over and he and Blaine are counting the days until they can see each other again. Short and sweet ficlet.Written before 3x22 Goodbye, and originally posted on ff.net.

Where The Lines Overlap
Kurt and Blaine accidently bump into each other on an early morning train in New York City and the attraction between them only intensifies when they start seeing each other almost every day.