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- Joined: Nov 30, 2011 Submissions: 15 Library: 15
Oh, look, a story!15, female, desperately trying to do my favorite characters justice.

Death is hard. Grief is painful. Wouldn't it be easier just to forget dead loved ones instead of having to suffer through it? Unfortunately, Blaine's brain isn't giving him a choice in the matter.

Odyssey and Land
The aliens can burn the Earth, kill off most of the human race, and put thousands of light years between Kurt and Blaine, but some things are just meant to be. They'll always find each other in the end. Sci Fi AU. Mainly Klaine, but most canon characters eventually included.

Eyes Like Galaxies, Lungs Like a Prison
For Blaine, asthma is not some big dramatic attack. It is a silent torturer, always screwing his life up, messing with him in little ways, tearing him apart from the inside out.

The Only Thing
In all the years that Kurt and Blaine are Kurt and Blaine, there's only one thing they never manage to tackle as a couple.

Dots and Soda Can Tabs
It's very important to him that Kurt knows he's not a cutter, but maybe Blaine does have a problem.' Trigger warning for self harm.

A Whole World Blind
I don't want another battle from beginning to end. I don't want to cycle and recycle revenge. I don't want to follow death and all of his friends. -Coldplay A death penalty fic after Karofsky murders Blaine (who seems to be sticking around).