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- Joined: Apr 07, 2012 Submissions: 8 Library: 8
I'm Ellena and I write semi-terrible fanfiction about possible the best couple ever, fictional or real life. I spend ridiculous amounts of time online reading and writing fanfiction, but there still aren't enough days in your life to read it all. Chris Colfer is my husband, he just doesn't know it yet. Tumblr: s1deburns.tumblr.com Twitter: twitter.com/rubbyduckparade Fanfiction.net: fanfiction.net/
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All I Need
Blaine Anderson is the mysterious new badboy at McKinley, and when he shows an interest in the shy Kurt Hummel, he can't be more thrilled that somebody finally wants him. But below the hard outer shell, Blaine has a secret. And they must make sacrafices, but it still leads them both to danger.
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Best Friend's Boyfriend
Kurt and Blaine were best friends before Blaine became popular and started dating Rachel. But a year later, when Kurt answers a sex quiz with 'I want to have sex with Blaine Anderson', everything begins to change.