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  • Joined: Jul 08, 2012
    Submissions: 0
    Library: 0

Hi there! I'm a 19yo Jewish girl from Melbourne, Australia. I like Harry Potter, Glee/Klaine obv.), LOTR, Star Wars, Comics, StarkidPotter, musicals plays aswell) - Shakespeare in particular - Darren Criss, lasagne, chivalry, freckles and love songs. I like to read and watch movies and TV, and hang out with my friends and family. Oh! And I LOVE DISNEY. And the concept of love. I think that's it. I don't like baseless hatred and raisins. Or oranges. Or any fruits of similar texture to either raisins or oranges. I'm not quite sure what I want to be when I'm older. I would like to be a writer, a lecturer, editor, critique, journalist, teacher, possibly a performer, but I have terrible stage fright I actually don't know, I've never tried too hard to be on stage). I used to sing and play piano but I stopped a few years ago, but am keen to start again. I want to live in New York. I am currently in Israel on a program inbetween high school and uni. I'll be back in November, but even so unfortunately this means that I might not update or even upload any stories yet. BUT I WILL! I promise, scout's honor. A word of the warn: I count myself privileged to grow up in a home where my siblings and I were encouraged to be whoever we wanted to, whoever we were, without fear or limitation. I take no shame in expressing myself as such, and can be very forward with my opinions. I hope this won't seem intimidating. Ok... That's it!

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