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  • Joined: Oct 28, 2011
    Submissions: 85
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I've been writing fic for more than ten years and love reading it as much as I love writing it. Also? I am a massive, unapologetic gleek.

Never Said Goodbye

Mistakes from the past don't have to destroy the future. People change, times change and sometimes destiny cleans up our messes for us.

K - Complete - Chapters: 2/2 - Words: 3,718 - Updated: Oct 09, 2012
1,256 0 0 0 1
Categories: Angst, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Rachel Berry,

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True Glee: Season 1

In a world where vampires have come out of the shadows, a set of supernatural problems has beset the residents of Lima, Ohio. Romance, angst, possession, and lots of smut ensue. Please note that while Klaine is featured and Kurt and Blaine are a definite focus, some parts will feature and/or focus on other characters.

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Part of My Chemistry

When Kurt left Lima, things didn't go as planned. When he met Blaine Anderson, things got even more complicated. Kurt isn't the only one who isn't where he planned to be - Finn Hudson is working an office job and dating his boss' twin brother... at least until he finds Kurt again. WARNING: This story will contain incest, kinks, angst, romance and other goodness that may squick some people.

E - Closed - Chapters: 17/? - Words: 103,571 - Updated: Feb 05, 2013
7,563 0 0 1 17
Categories: Angst, AU, Drama, PWP, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Cooper Anderson, Finn Hudson, Kurt Hummel, OC,
Tags: first time, multiple partners,

Heir of December

Albion's lesser prince wants to show the world and his father that he is worthy. When Kurt turns to the court physician for an apprenticeship, everything changes, and neither of them will ever be the same. AU. Klaine.

T - Closed - Chapters: 6/? - Words: 11,427 - Updated: Feb 08, 2012
5,880 0 0 0 3
Categories: AU, Drama, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, David Karofsky, Emma Pillsbury, Finn Hudson, Kurt Hummel, Quinn Fabray, Rachel Berry, Will Schuester,

Eventualities in Song

A duo of vignettes written by putting my iPod on Shuffle and writing until the song is done.

K - Complete - Chapters: 2/2 - Words: 401 - Updated: Oct 28, 2011
1,839 0 0 0 0
Categories: Angst, Romance,

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How It Falls Apart

Finn has been noticing Kurt in a very different way. When he finally makes his move, will it be happily ever after or just make things a bigger mess? Things are further complicated when Blaine's ex transfers to McKinley with an agenda of his own.

E - Complete - Chapters: 29/29 - Words: 92,478 - Updated: Dec 31, 2011
3,710 0 0 0 3
Categories: Angst, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Finn Hudson, Kurt Hummel, OC,
