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- Joined: Aug 05, 2011 Submissions: 22 Library: 22

Friends Don't Let Friend's Dial Drunk
Kurt and Blaine had a bad break up, but when Blaine keeps trying his best to get Kurt back at the wrong times, sometimes Kurt can't help but go crawling back.

This Moment Should Never End
When Kurt tells Blaine that he won't make it another 4 months, Blaine breaks down.

New York Changes Everything
When Kurt leaves for New York, Blaine looks for comfort in McKinley. Blaine doesn't expect to be a rock for someone else.
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You Move Me
Kurt and Blaine have faced many challenges in their short lives. Once they found each other, every care and worry seemed to disappear. Now their situation was changing, would it pull them closer together or drive them apart? - Set over a year.