College student. Music is my life. Theater is my life. Klaine... Oh, Klaine just makes me life so much sweeter. Darren Criss is one of my biggesst musical inspirations.

In Time
A/N: 4x22 reaction fic. One-shot. Set directly after the last scene in 4x22 as the camera zooms out on Blaine's hand and the ring box. Kurt sees the ring box when someone bumps into him in the excitement of the wedding and he decides he needs to immediately talk to Blaine. Find my tumblr here:

Takes place during the current Glee season between when Kurt first met Adam and asked him out for coffee, and my take on what will happen in between and on the wedding episode on Valentine's day. After a few dates with Adam, Kurt has a huge realization about where his heart really lies. Klaine-endgame. Kadam explored, but DON'T WORRY - your fears will be resolved in chapter 3.

*Spoilers* Based on spoilers for 4x14-4x18, Come What May, a gunshot at McKinley. What I would LOVE to have happen in 4x19. Kurt wastes no time after he fears for Blaine's life that day when he's heard that there was a possible shooting at McKinley. One Shot. A little Angsty, ending in fluffy goodness. Kurt & Blaine.