- Joined: Jan 22, 2015 Submissions: 8 Library: 8
Hi, I'm Em and I live in Australia.I mostly write fanfiction for Glee and a little for Sherlock, Welcome to Night Vale and Bones which can all be found at my ff.net account (link below). I haven't written much Klaine before but I'm giving it a go and I hope you'll like it.You can also find me on tumblr and twitter with the same user as here.Hope you're well,Em xo

Echoes and Illusions
When prince and pauper meet in the depths of an enchanted forest, Blaine can't bear to leave Kurt on his own. Blaine can't see anything and Kurt sees too much. But their path home is fraught with danger and it will take new strength from both to keep the other safe. Fairy Tale!Klaine. Blind!Blaine.
T -
Complete -
Chapters: 7/? -
Words: 15,689 -
Updated: Jan 22, 2015
Categories: AU,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: hurt/comfort,