I'm just a teenage girl who likes to write for your enjoyment :). Feel free to message me with ideas, prompts, and conversation! Chances are, if you are nice about it, I will write you a story because I am addicted to writing.

I Would Give The World To You
Blaine Anderson is an established Broadway star. Having just opened in his first leading role, scandal threatens to bring it all to an end. But does that matter when he finally finds the man he's willing to give everything to?

When I Need You
AU in which Blaine has a secret superhero identity, and the short story of how Kurt found out. Nightbird!Blaine and an Evil Sebastian. Some action, some adventure, and because it's me, you can expect fluff eventually.

The Second First Kiss
Kurt and Blaine during and after the performance of grease. The intent is to mend broken hearts after the most recent episode so if you are looking for a reconciliation drabble, here is the perfect one. Of course, Blaine is Teen Angel and Kurt has come back for the Glee Club fall musical.

In the Woods
Quick little kid!klaine drabble that I did a few weeks ago. All cuteness and fluff.

Marry Me?
Kurt and Blaine are in New York, and Blaine has a plan to make the future last a lot longer. This is a drabble that my beta FishDontTouchMyRedvines and I both wrote our own versions of. Inspired by this photo: 25 . media . tumblr . com/tumblr lzvs694zCu1qdnlzqo1 500 . jpg

Always a Coffee Shop
Blaine Anderson is at the prime of his swimming career. During his stint in the Lonon Olympic games, he meets the owner of a small coffee shop called The Espresso Room. Inspired by Klaine AU Fridays.

Irrational Behavior
What happened when Blaine found out the Karofsky asked Kurt out? Filling in a story line Glee left out. Just a bit of Jealous!Blaine drabble.

Old Hollywood
Kurt Hummel has found himself a job as an actor's assistant in Hollywood, circa 1957. Not only is he assigned to THE Marilyn Monroe, but also a handsome, new actor named Blaine Anderson. Written for Klaine AU Fridays, Vintage!Klaine.

Of Unicorns and Bowties
AU where Kurt and Blaine have known each other since childhood. A series of one-shots that follow their relationship development from five/four years old until they are full grown adults. Expect language and triggers in future chapters, but I will of course warn you before hand. Expect both fluff and angst!