- Joined: Jan 07, 2014 Submissions: 3 Library: 3
So, er... Hi, I'm Gemma (former pen name: foreveragleek44) and I'm from England, UKDon't really know what else to say. Let's see, I'm a major Gleek, Klainer and CrissColfer shipper, so I wouldn't expect any other kind of fan fiction from me. Oh and also, I aspire to become an author someday... I hope... We all have dreams; mine might be a little too ambitious, but hey. CURRENTLY WORKING TOWARDS STARTING A KLAINE PROMPT FIC SO IF YOU HAVE ANY PROMPTS, LET ME KNOW!I also love to read fanfics Also, I don't own Glee. Ryan Murphy owns Glee, and I am not Ryan Murphy. Do you see the problem here?
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To Love Your Enemy
Blaine Anderson and Kurt Hummel are two of New York's main rivals in the modelling circuit, constantly in competition for photoshoots but have never actually met. When they finally meet at an important fashion show, things become out of control and everything changes. AU! Model!Klaine (Rated M for later chapters)
E -
Closed -
Chapters: 2/? -
Words: 13,142 -
Updated: Jan 11, 2014
Categories: Angst, AU, Drama, Romance,
Characters: Kurt Hummel,
Tags: bad boy AU, friendship, hurt/comfort,