Sawyer's daddies
Sawyer finds a video of a very special performance

I'll stand on my tippy toes and kiss you on the chin
This is basically a collection of short stories about Klaine's life. Each one will be different and the plots will vary.It's mostly just fluff and angst but there are random swears and future sexy times to come! (Pun not intended)

Penguins can love too
This is a little Drabble about penguin! Klaine adopting a baby chick. The first Drabble will be Klaine as the penguins and the second will be Klaine watching a news report about it. Enjoy!

You are my best friend
This is a silly little Drabble about baby penguin! Blaine and polar bear cub! Kurt and their blossoming friendship
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The monster in us all
Kurt Hummel suffers from a broken childhood which leads to depression and self harm. Blaine Anderson has lost his way and is heading to a life of regrets. This is a story of depression, self harm, guilt and betrayal. But it's also a story about first love, forgiveness and courage.