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- Joined: Aug 04, 2011 Submissions: 5 Library: 5
17. Christian. Vegetarian. Nerdfighter. Hufflepuff. I like lots of things, I write fic about some of them.

Love Isn't Fantasy
A 500 Days of Summer crossover, in which Summer Finn is Blaine Anderson's step-sister, and their conversations are enlightening to both of them. Covers canon Glee from a little before Valentine's Day to New York, and the basic timeline of the movie, though vague in most of both storylines.

Saving These Words For One Last Miracle
He knows that if the performance ends, Blaine will see him, and it's more likely to end in tears and regret than it is to end in happiness and I've missed you so much.'... Seven years. It's been seven years.
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I Will Hold On
Humans are born with an expiration date labeled on their foot. When Kurt and Blaine finally begin their relationship, Blaine only has three months, 2 weeks, and 4 days left.

Before You Know to Run to Me
Blaine gets kicked out of his house over spring break from Dalton, and the only place he can think to go is the Hummel-Hudson house. Kurt's concerned about Blaine and how upset he is but also about living with his crush for nearly a week.

I Want It With Whipped Cream On It
It's not actually as smutty as it sounds. Dalton boys like to party. Blaine needs Kurt to take him back to the dorm, and once he does... Well, things get a little interesting.