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  • Joined: Jun 23, 2012
    Submissions: 26
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So there is not really much to say about me. I'm a chronic Klaine shipper and have a die hard crush on darren criss... i mean who wouldnt. Glee has kinda saved my life. It helped me find my direction. I used to be affraid to be who i was and thought that my dreams were just fantasy but here i am now Singing and playing guitar. I'm at home when i perform and Glee showed me that. So thanks Ryan Murphy.

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Boy Meets Boy- A coffee shop romance

Kurt goes to Mckinely. Blaine goes to Dalton. After meeting the two boys become good friends but when trouble strikes blaines there to pick up the pieces. will kurts vunrebility bring the two boys closer or pull them appart?

M - Complete - Chapters: 8/8 - Words: 8,938 - Updated: Jun 24, 2012
1,238 0 1 0 2
Categories: Humor, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel, David Karofsky, Kurt Hummel, Mercedes Jones, Rachel Berry, Wes, Will Schuester,
Tags: friendship,


wwwoohoo can wait for shazs next chap!!