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- Joined: Feb 04, 2012 Submissions: 14 Library: 14
Hi! You can contact me at zebrapolkadots123@yahoo.com and I like to write and perform. That's pretty much all you need to know about me! Also, I love editing and would possibly like to go into editing/publishing some day, so if anyone wants me to beta stuff for them, feel free :) Also, I do read/appreciate any and all reviews people leave for my stuff. And if you have any questions/comments, I will do my best to respond to them should you so desire <3

The Fire is So Delightful
A blizzard knocks out the power at the Hummel-Hudson household while Kurt and Blaine are watching TV. Or, "The first time Kurt and Blaine sleep together without sleeping together."Rating: PG (unless boys kissing offends your sensibilities)Warnings: Unbearable levels of adorablenessWord Count: ~2500

I Think I Wanna Marry You (Box Scene Reaction!Fic)
Mini reaction!fic to the wondrous Box Scene. It takes place that evening, after Kurt's been given the ring and everything is wonderful and Klaine. Also it's really short like not quite 500 words seeing as I wrote it in about 10 minutes while sobbing through my feels oops.I posted it on my Tumblr (http://dewdrops-on-roses.tumblr.com/post/28520539159/reaction-fic-the-evening-after-the-box-scene) here if anyone cares :)

The Sound of Your Name
Broadway!Blaine Kurt and Blaine broke up nearly two years ago, during the summer before Kurt left for college, and they haven't seen one another since. Kurt is heading back to NYADA after winter vacation when he sees Blaine Anderson in an advertisement for a Broadway show. Blaine is performing on Broadway when he sees a familiar face in the audience. The parts in italics will be flashbacks. These will give some background as to what exactly happened during the breakup.