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  • Joined: Aug 24, 2013
    Submissions: 3
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I am 12 years old and I am addicted to fanfiction. Like, any TV show I watch, I read their fanfiction too. I'm definitly a Klainer the most though, and I will never stop being one.

I Was Always Here Waiting

When Kurt's phone ringing inturupts Warbler pratice it sparks a bit of jealous!Blaine... For wrong reasons. But why was Kurt calling a girl "boo" and can Blaine finally suck it up and admit to Kurt the real reason Blaine is so flirty with him? Klaine endgame with platonic Brittany/Kurt, but people think Brittany and Kurt are together.

T - Closed - Chapters: 1/? - Words: 1,248 - Updated: Feb 20, 2014
880 0 0 0 0
Categories: AU, Cotton Candy Fluff, Drama, General, Romance, Songfics,
Tags: friendship,

Blaine's Just An Idiot

Valentine's Day gone a little differently, all thanks to Mercedes cousin Jake! (Not Jake already in the show!) Kurt is fed up with Blaine being oblivious and decides that the best way to get him is to make him believe that Kurt's off the market... With a little help from Mercedes. Well, a lot of help, she kind of orchestrated the whole thing. Klaine endgame.

T - Words: 691 - Updated: Feb 18, 2014
1,391 0 0 1
Categories: AU, Cotton Candy Fluff, Drama, General, Humor, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Mercedes Jones, OC,
Tags: friendship,
