I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions. ' — Augusten Burroughs Hi. This is Bonnie. Bonnie is a twenty year old Puerto Rican English Lit./Modern Languages student with start/stop scribbling urges. She reads too much. She has a penchant for vintage, indie and horror films, and referring to herself in the third person.
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The Theft
Things with Blaine couldn't have been going better for Kurt. They were in love and their summer had been perfect, save for a few days of separation, and now Blaine was going to McKinley. But a few nights before the first day of school, things take a dark turn.
E -
Closed -
Chapters: 4/? -
Words: 6,896 -
Updated: Nov 02, 2011
Categories: Angst, Romance, Supernatural,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel, Kurt Hummel,