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Loosely based on the film Soul Surfer.During the New Directions trip to nationals in Hawaii, Blaine Anderson's suffers a near fatal attack from a shark, while surfing. He survives having lost only his arm and his love of water. Now, Kurt and Blaine and their friends and family must pick up the pieces from the trauma and try to live properly again.
E -
Complete -
Chapters: 14/? -
Words: 27,188 -
Updated: May 10, 2014
Categories: Angst, AU, Tragedy,
Characters: Artie Abrams, Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel, Carole Hudson-Hummel, Cooper Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Mr. Anderson (Blaine's Father), Mrs. Anderson (Blaine's Mother), Noah Puckerman, Sam Evans,
Tags: established relationship, hurt/comfort,