Fangirl by day... Fangirl by night.

Blaine didn't think Kurt knew he existed until he was chosen for the 73rd Hunger Games. After he won, he returned home with hopes of speaking to Kurt. But when Kurt's name is chosen the following year Blaine is forced to be his mentor and keep him alive.
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Project Hummel
It's Jesse St James's dream to play Raoul in The Phantom of the Opera. With the help of serial killers for hire Blaine Anderson & Quinn Fabray, he gets an audition. When the part is given to newcomer Kurt Hummel, Jesse hires Blaine to seduce and kill him
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In Control
Kurt spots Sebastian spying on him and Blaine one evening so he decides to show him what he will never have. Voyeur Sebastian, Possessive and in control Kurt, Oblivious Blaine, blow job, hand jobs, PWP.

Our World
Blaine and Kurt's six year old son Toronto has overheard that his dad's want to adopt another child. He believes this means that they no longer want him, so he decides to run away from home.
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You Know You Love The Blazer
While studying home alone, Blaine catches Kurt having a moment with his blazer. This leads to the two boys taking the next step in their relationship.
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The Dalton Tie
Kurt is dancing to Single Ladies, wearing his usual leotard, but with the added bonus of his old Dalton tie. He is quite oblivious that Blaine has walked in and caught him. He's embarrassed, but more than anything he's turned on and has an idea how to make further use of his Dalton tie.

Excuse me, can I ask you a question?
Blaine and Kurt return to Ohio after graduating NYU. Blaine takes Kurt back to Dalton to the staircase where they first met to ask him a very important question.