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- Joined: Jan 07, 2012 Submissions: 22 Library: 22
I'm Suzy, I'm 17 and want to be a director. However, I really enjoy writing, which is why I'm here! Nothing else to add though...

Fourth Times the Charm
In which Blaine Anderson attempts to propose to his long time boyfriend, Kurt Hummel. It takes a couple tries, but one day he gets it right.
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Red and Blue
One thing leads to another and then suddenly Blaine has an idea that Kurt wishes he had thought of a lot earlier, only not really. It turns out some stains are impossible to wash out.

When you're worn out and tired
This is written after the whole spoilers about Blaine getting hurt and it being Finn/Sebastian's faults and Kurt taking care of him. I have no idea what will happen in the episode, and I am just writing what I think will happen. This is a fic about Kurt taking care of Blaine...kind of.

Far From Here: A Klaine Tumblr AU
Kurt goes on tumblr because it is his safety place. He knows people accept him, and he knows he can rant about anything he wants. He knows what to expect from tumblr and his followers. But a single message from someone with the name 'warbler-on' literally changes everything he thought he knew about the internet.