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  • Joined: Apr 04, 2012
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I was KLAINED!! :D That's when it all started... there's no ending yet luckily)

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One of a Kind

AU Sherlock!Klaine Doctor Kurt Hummel has three gifts: his voice, his ability to spot upcoming trends in men's fashion, and his ability to stand the world's only consulting detective Mr. Blaine Anderson. Blaine is stubborn, selfish, childish, highly insensitive, definitely not polite and sometimes kinda creepy, but he knows something about Kurt's dim past that can save him from all the sadness he's been through all his life or what is left from it. Contains some BBC Sherlock spoilers, a little twisted.... Handle with care.

M - Closed - Chapters: 9/? - Words: 37,997 - Updated: Jul 30, 2012
2,440 0 1 1 7
Categories: Angst, AU, Cotton Candy Fluff, Crime, Crossover, Drama, Romance, Suspense,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Carole Hudson-Hummel,
Tags: character death, hurt/comfort,
