Hi there! I'm Eline, 19 years old. I love Klaine. Duh. I wouldn't be here if I didn't. Other things you should know about me: -I haven't written much fanfiction (yet). -English is not my mother tongue. -I have a tumblr where I spend a lot of time and you are very welcome to follow me there^^

With you, I can breathe again
Reaction fic for 6x05. Kurt and Blaine are trapped in the elevator. Blaine is claustrophobic.
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Breathe life into this feeble heart
Arranged marriage AU. Kurt and Blaine spend their first night as husbands together.

Of stubbed toes and broken vases
Kurt has had a bad day. A really bad day. Having a husband like Blaine Anderson, however, makes everything better.

Hard day's night
Just some fluffy domestic married!klaine.

And I drown in you again
Some early!Klaine make-outs

Four times Blaine Anderson almost proposed (and one time he actually did)
Set during season 4, but Kurt and Blaine never broke up.He might only be 17, but if there's one thing Blaine is sure of, it's that he wants to marry Kurt. Someday.

Tu sei l'essenziale
Short drabble for Klaine Au Fridays, theme Italian!Klaine. Kurt and Blaine spend their honeymoon in Firenze.

I'll keep the nightmares away
A 4.18 reaction fic. Blaine has a hard time after the events in shooting star, Kurt goes back to Lima to comfort him.

In sickness and in health
Just a silly drabble with sick!blaine and Kurt taking care of him.
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Sore Loser
In which Blaine is really bad at playing card games and Kurt knows games that are much more fun that UNO.

White Christmas
My take on what could have happened when Kurt and Blaine went back to Kurt's apartment after White Christmas in 4x10. Written before the episode aired, so no Burt drama here ;)

Like A Fish Out Of Water
Written for a prompt on tumblr. Blaine is afraid of water and consequently has never learnt how to swim . One day he meets Kurt, who loves to spend as much time in the water as possible and offers him to help him overcome his fear.

Forever the name on my lips
Sometimes, you love someone so much that letting go is the only right thing to do.

Heavy in your arms
Kurt got into NYADA. His dreams are about to come true. But what will become of his relationship with Blaine once he moves to New York?