Hi!Right now, I'm just here to read great stories about my favorite guys :)I'm a typical female who's interests include peanut butter by the spoonful, suggestive humor in it's many splendors, salt n' vinegar chips, music of all sorts, Harry Potter, reading, decreasing world suck throught the power of awesome, the beach, performance singing, dancing, etc.), painting and drawing, and the scientific phenomena that is Schrodinger's cat I can explain the theory. Therefore, you can infer I have a lot of free time :D)I'm a proud nerdfighter, gleek, whovian, and StarKid. I have a powerful, overtaking addiction to Gatorade. I'm kinda quirky, I suppose, but hopefully in a good way!I love reading and writing way too much! I haven't really posted my writings, but I think I will soon
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Login/Sign Up Learn MoreI Want To Make Romeo Jealous
Blaine is the artist. And Kurt is his muse. It's terrible. Enjoy :D
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Words: 6,842 -
Updated: Jun 19, 2012
Categories: PWP, Romance,
Characters: Kurt Hummel,
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To view NSFW content, you must sign in and agree that you are 18+.
Login/Sign Up Learn MoreLosing My Mind, Losing Control
Blaine has a problem. He can never lose control. Kurt hopes to remedy this.
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Words: 8,538 -
Updated: Mar 26, 2012
Categories: Angst, Cotton Candy Fluff, PWP, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Finn Hudson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: established relationship, hurt/comfort,