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Hurricane 'Verse
Part of the Hurricane 'verse. So maybe neither of them knows what they're doing half the time. Sometimes they tiptoe around each other because they don't know how to act, other times it's as easy as breathing. There are days when Blaine is more like a best friend than he is a boyfriend or whatever they are, and that's good, too. It's familiar, because that, at least, is how it's always been. Just like any other relationship, really. A series of drabbles varying in length and rating, as a follow up to Hurricane.

Sebastian just can't take a hint. In which Kurt is passive-aggressive.
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Hurricane 'Verse
Two years after Kurt and Blaine's messy divorce, Kurt finally wins full custody of their daughter after a long and painful battle. A week later, Blaine attempts suicide. He has no one else to turn to, and Kurt volunteers to take him in, believing that he can rehabilitate Blaine. The man he fell in love with is still in there, somewhere - he just has to figure out how to bring him back. The process, however, won't be easy for anyone.
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Lights Will Guide You Home
Kurt thought that breaking up with Blaine was the right thing to do, but it's only three years later after a chance meeting at a bar in New York that they realize just how much of a mess they are without one another.

Dance In The Dark
The aftermath of Prom Night.

Happiness Never Held Onto Me
Kurt sees no problem with wearing a kilt to school - but everyone else certainly does. Fortunately, Puck has a plan.

Oh Simple Thing, Where Have You Gone?
When he announces that he's transferring back to McKinley, Kurt seems more surprised about it than Blaine does.

I Think You'll Understand
Kurt has some bad memories associated with The Beatles. Blaine is determined to make this a happy one.
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Hurricane 'Verse
All of the stories I've written in my Hurricane 'verse, in one convenient location!