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  • Joined: Oct 13, 2014
    Submissions: 1
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At the risk of sounding as if I've been living in a sociocultural cave for the past half century, I recently (summer, 2014) discovered Glee and its related fanfiction. To be honest, TV and I haven't had much of a relationship for a couple of decades and, although I knew fanfiction existed once upon a time in my past (think back to the days of Dark Shadows or the original Star Trek, for example), the last time I was exposed to it was in the day of mimeograph machines. Yes, I dubbed myself "AncientGleek" for a reason, folks! ;D This time around, I've happily been sucked into the 'verse that is GleeFanFic.How incredible is this wonderful on-line community of Gleeks! People from all over the world come together to celebrate their passion and love for the characters that have become almost real to us in so many ways. And how mind-blowing are the authors who put their time, effort, and talent "out there" with no motive and no reward except to express themselves, share their talents with others and, possibly, improve their craft by receiving comments and constructive critiques from their readers. (I actually created an account on this site simply so I could interact more directly with these amazing people.)And now (fall, 2014), out of desperation for a sequel that didn't seem forthcoming for a story I'd read, I've ventured into writing-but just a teeny, tiny bit, with a one-shot. I'll never be a "real" writer because I enjoy other people's imaginations (and hard work!) more than my own, but at least now I understand a smidgen of how and why writers persist in their efforts. I am so grateful for all the talented and passionate authors who provide me with hours and hours of wonderful reading material!Keep the Glee alive! :)

Grist for the (Rumor) Mill

Based on the story, ...Or Forever Hold Your Peace, by Corinna on AO3 ( In response to her delectable one-shot, I submitted a plea for a sequel. She replied that she probably wouldn't write a sequel and invited me to write one. So--(All the named original characters were created by Corinna; the sequel can be read without reading Corinna's original, but it's more fun with!)Kurt was sure he'd dispelled one rumor, and then...

T - Words: 1,318 - Updated: Nov 23, 2014
609 1 0 0
Categories: Humor, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Rachel Berry,
