- Joined: Feb 07, 2012 Submissions: 3 Library: 3
I apologize for a fairly sparse profile, but there's not much exciting about me! I read a lot, and write when I have time and finally give in to a story that's been pestering me relentlessly.

Even Though (Blaine's Oblivious)
Blaine realizes how important Kurt is to him after the death of Pavarotti. A short recounting of the development of Blaine and Kurt's relationship. Mild Season 2 spoilers.
K -
Words: 1,620 -
Updated: Feb 07, 2012
Categories: Songfics,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: friendship,
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Just Want to Feel More
Blaine's had a stressful and mind-numbing day at work, and arrives home to his one bedroom apartment. He would prefer to forget how unhappy he is, and takes a shower to warm up from the winter cold.
E -
Words: 1,283 -
Updated: Feb 07, 2012
Categories: Angst,
Characters: Blaine Anderson,
Tags: futurefic,

Keep The Change
Blaine's meeting Kurt at the Lima Bean. The Barista on duty can tell something's wrong.