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  • Joined: Jun 02, 2022
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This story, the one you are about to read, is not over. Though many of the people in it have passed on, their narratives coming to that final conclusion, their stories live on in everyone they fought for, everyone that they touched and inspired along the way. And with that, they live forever. This story is eternal and never ending, not because it is a story of love and friendship, but because it is a tale of a fight against injustice. There was a fight before this story, and there will be a fight after it. This is just a small moment that has been captured in the midst of many moments. The fight against injustice never ends. This moment in particular begins in 1962, in New York City There was a quiet uprising, hushed voices were planning and scheming, waiting for the right moment to strike. Tired of being silenced, the submissives would finally scream, scream out in agony and defiance and power. But that’s not where this story begins. No, this story begins with Kurt Hummel on a hot summer day in Central Park. The day he met defiant, stubborn, rebellious, and beautiful Submissive Blaine Anderson.

M - In Progress - Chapters: 1/? - Words: 1,990 - Updated: Jun 02, 2022
351 0 1 0 0
Warnings: Warnings for D/s society, violence, domestic violence (not between Klaine), sexual assault (not between Klaine), mentions of sexual assault, racism, and just a lot of angst y'all.
