I used to post my fanfiction only to livejournal, but I quite like this site and it makes browsing through fic so much easier. So from now on, everything will go up here as well.
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One Summer Night
It's only the two of them in this cabin, no one else around except for maybe a few spiders under the floor boards, but they can go fuck themselves, he decides. He doesn't care about anything but Blaine tonight. Deleted Scene from Three Weeks of Summer.
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Summer Sun, Something's Begun
Sequel to Three Weeks of Summer. They haven't seen each other since their departure from the lake, but they had promised each other a date...
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Three Weeks of Summer
Kurt just wants to get some work done, Rachel just wants him to relax, and Blaine shows up and makes everything even more complicated than it is already.
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What Are The Odds
Kurt had given up hope long ago, just waiting for the day he would finally move to New York, the day he could finally leave behind everything that was Ohio. Of course, Rachel had to pick that very day to introduce him to an 'old friend' of hers.
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When We Can Say Goodnight And Stay Together
So, Finn asked Rachel to marry him.'
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The More You Have
Blaine loves those afternoons when his parents are out and he and Kurt can have the house to themselves. He loves it because not only do they get to take their time, they also don't have to worry about staying silent.

Only Just Beginning
It's nice and comfortable and it's them, but it's a whole new way of being together and it's something to get used to, even if there's no doubt in his mind that he will.

Seismic Waves
He's a nice guy. He doesn't yell at people. He needs to apologize, needs Kurt to tell him they're still okay, and oh god, where did this fight even come from?

Just A Spoonful Of Thai Food aka Perfect Is Overrated Anyway
Creating a perfect moment isn't easy. However, that shouldn't stop a person from trying, right? Proposal!fic!! Also known as The Five Times Blaine Tries To Propose And One Other Time.

Burning Down The House
With their parents gone for the weekend, Finn thinks it's a good idea to throw a party. Kurt isn't so sure about that.