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EPUB Downloads, S&C Tumblr Blog, New Mod, and More Updates

Hello everyone, I hope you all are enjoying the fics!

I have a couple of announcements to share. First of all, I created a feedback survey with some questions about the site and the former It-Could-Happen/Sebklaine sites. The survey will be open until September 9th. If you have a few minutes to spare, I would greatly appreciate any and all input.

Second, we have a new member of the S&C team. Redheadgleek is joining as a moderator. You may see her around here or on the Tumblr blog keeping a second set of eyes on things. Speaking of the Tumblr blog...

As those of you active on Tumblr may have seen, an update blog was created for the site called scarves-and-coffee. Smaller updates and announcements (mostly software updates) are being posted there for ease of access, leaving this news forum for larger, more important announcements. The posts are also visible on the S&C homepage at the bottom right. Also, a few of you have asked about donating to the site, so we now have a donation page here where you can find information about donating.

Lastly, EPUB downloads have returned to S&C. You can once again download stories and one-shots from their detail pages (PDF downloads are on the way). If you would like to see these software updates as they're added, you can find them on the Tumblr blog or on the Tumblr feed at the bottom of the S&C homepage. 

Thank you guys for all of your continued support! <3

- admin atlas

1,388 0 0 Updated: Aug 26, 2022

Scarves & Coffee LIVES!

Hello and welcome back to Scarves & Coffee!

Kurt running and hugging Blaine tightly, smiling broadly.

It's been a long time coming! As many of you know, the site went offline around January 2021 due to lack of resources. With it went the database and nearly the URL. However, in June 2021, with the help of one of the original founders, Oz, we were able to rescue the URL and use a database backup from 2013 to piece most things back together. I would also like to give a huge shout-out to Tumblr user perfectanomaly who gave us a copy of their collection of ePubs of the entire library, without which the database restoration of anything past September 2013 would have been nearly impossible. 

I truly didn't think it would take this long to get the database restored and recreate the basic features of the original site. I've been working on custom software to run the site nearly every day since December 2020 (phew!). It's been a very long journey, but it is my great joy to finally bring you this first version to hit the web. As we're in version 0.1 (a.k.a. 'still broken'), expect a few bugs and bumps here and there. BUT, I've got some exciting things planned ;)

A few important notes regarding the database restoration:

  • If your account was created before September 12, 2013, it was restored with the email address you had on the account at that time and you will be able to reset your password using the site’s “Forgot Password” link.
  • If your account was created after September 12, 2013, your email was not able to be recovered and you won’t be able to log in. For more information about account recovery, please look here.
  • Everything besides the story text itself that was uploaded/done past September 2013 was lost. This includes things like comments, favorites (which have been converted to Kudos here), story tracking data, etc.
  • The database was put back together using a combination of python scripts, spreadsheets, and line-by-line editing (oof). None of these methods are perfect, so if you see any stray code, spam, things that look like they're in the wrong place, etc., please flag it by using the "Report" button on the submission/user account.
  • Same goes for bugs. If you see any, please report them using the "Report a Bug" form in the "Help" drop down menu in the navigation bar with as much detail as possible and the browser you are using (thanks!).


If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email, send me a message on Tumblr, or comment below. In the meantime, poke around, test out some features, read some stories, and enjoy the site.

Happy Klaining!

- atlas

2,196 11 13 Updated: Jun 01, 2022


Hi everyone,

I'd like to apologise for the site being neglected. I simply don't have the time to maintain it like I once did and as a result you have all been experiencing denied access issues and unanswered emails.

I've fixed the denied access issue for now.

Moving forward, I am looking to hand the site (along with It Could Happen and Sebklaine) over to someone else.

If you're keen to take over and know about PHP and MySQL, please contact me

Thank you.


614 1 3 Updated: Jan 03, 2022

We need your help again please

Hi everyone.

It's been a while since Glee finished and a lot of the fandom have moved off to new fandoms or other interests altogether.

But for those of you who still enjoy reading all the awesome fic from 6 years of the best years of our lives, I am now asking once again for your help.

The running of this website doesn't cost thousands of dollars, but it's also not free. We had help from you all over 2 years ago, but that money actually dried up about a year ago and I personally have been making the payments myself and was happy to continue doing so, but my own personal circumstances have changed which is why I am now asking for help.

Like the last time, any little bit helps. So if you come to S&C often and would like to see it stay online, please donate. Any help is appreciated.

Thank you a million times over.


431 3 0 Updated: Jan 03, 2022

The Future

I'd just like to thank everyone who continues to post their stories here and visit this site on a regular basis.

Although you don't see a lot of physical changes to the site, please know I am always somewhere in the background doing something.

I know the site is a little outdated at the moment (The First Time? How about Every Fricken Day!! haha) - but this will be changing soon, I promise.

We've also had some really exciting news that will hopefully mean a new look and proper ePub creations (although the current system works well enough) in the future, but those changes could still be a while away, so I don't want to get too excited about that.

So I just wanted to check in and let you all know that the site is still very much being looked after, and that all things going well, you should see some long overdue changes sometime.. soon? I guess just watch this space! :)

399 3 0 Updated: Jan 03, 2022

Thank you!

We'd like to send out a very big THANK YOU to everyone who donated to help keep Scarves & Coffee alive!

Each of you have been sent individual thank yous, but we just wanted to let it be known here that people DID help out and as a result, Scarves & Coffee WILL be sticking around for quite a while longer :D

Never underestimate the power of fandom! :)

389 0 0 Updated: Jan 03, 2022

Anti-Fandom Bullying

Just a quick plug for the Anti-Fandom Bullying Tumblr and Twitter.

If ever you experience bullying, they're here to help stamp it out, and to help those who need a friendly ear! :)

452 0 0 Updated: Jan 03, 2022

RIP Corey Monteith

You were an insperation and hero to many of us. Thank you for everything you have done. You will be missed greatly.

357 1 0 Updated: Dec 27, 2021

New Category

We now have a new "Soulmates" category. :) Thanks goes to Billie for the suggestion!

384 1 0 Updated: Dec 27, 2021

glee|CON 2013

What is glee|CON? Fan-created and fan-organized, glee|con is a convention for Glee fans to unite and celebrate the show we love so dearly. On November 1st through the 3rd of 2013, the convention will be held at the Ramada Bloomington Minneapolis Airport Mall in Bloomington, Minnesota, just two blocks away from the Mall of America, and two miles away from the Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport! In addition to the chance to meet fellow Glee fans and create lasting friendships, various convention activities will be available to attendees. You’ll be able to attend various fandom-based panels and discussions, sell or buy fan-created artwork, jam out to fans singing their hearts out during Glee karaoke and singing contests, as well as participate in a charity auction or attend a Glee inspired prom night! Every activity is designed with fans in mind, and attendees will have the opportunity to experience them all with other Glee lovers from all across the globe.

336 0 0 Updated: Dec 27, 2021