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Swiper, No Swiping!
When It's Right, It's Right
With such a memorable first meeting, it can be no wonder that their future will be anything but ordinary. Or, a tale of how several lefts can eventually lead to a right. * The sequel to ‘Swipe’, featuring fourteen snap shots of Kurt and Blaine’s life following that fateful encounter. Now completely posted on Scarves and Coffee only, because I have no patience ;) Happy early Valentine's Day! ♡

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Swiper, No Swiping!
Or, how Kurt learnt that first impressions aren't always correct... The sequel to Swipe will start posting on Feb 1st, with a new chapter being released every day right up to the 14th. Happy Valentine's day, my loves! ♡

Swiper, No Swiping!
Inspired by this ask on Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/klaineccfanficlibrary/705677632377864192/my-flight-was-delayed-3-hours-so-i-was-doing-what?source=share
Kurt’s flight back to New York has been delayed. To pass the time, he decides to browse Tinder and see what kind of men Columbus has to offer. There’s no harm in just looking, right?