Unconditionally and Irrevocably Give Kudos Track Story Bookmark Comment

Unconditionally and Irrevocably

Blaine Anderson, 24, was not yet partnered. He had hoped it might happen when he attended boarding school outside of his hometown. He hoped it might happen when he attended Harvard Law School. Blaine Anderson did not expect it to happen like it did.

Author's Notes: In this reality a person only has one lifelong partner who they are 'destined' for. There is no way of knowing who the person will be or where you'll find them, but once you've set eyes on them they become the centre of your universe, the centre of your entire being. Once you have met them it becomes impossible to part. Homophobia is a non-existent concept because male/male and female/female partners have existed since the beginning of mankind and there is no way of changing or breaking a partnership as they are a natural and biological occurrence. People find their partners all the time, on trains, in photographs, anywhere and everywhere. Although more often than not, they meet at college. For some the search can take years, legend has it that the harder you look, the harder they become to find. Very occasionally a person never finds anyone else, sometimes this is because the person comes to realise that they need no one else, they are asexual and/or aromantic. However sometimes a person has to come to terms with the fact that they will never meet their partner; their partner has ceased to exist, has been killed. This is extremely emotionally challenging, there becomes no 'point' to a person's life, and, more often than not, they take their own life. While generally people find their partners in adulthood; once they've travelled somewhat, the likelihood of your partner living in the same area as you is remote. Bondings can happen at any age and, while rare, partnerships have been created in kindergarten classes. There is very little attraction felt between non-pairs and cheating has never occurred in human history because it is physically impossible. Very occasionally two people are left vulnerable by the loss of their partner and form a bond, not quite as strong as their original bond but it provides care, stability and love. Perhaps the rarest form of bond is between an adult and a child (it is considerably rarer for the adult to be female unless it is a lesbian partnership). While adult bondings immediately have a sexual element this is only because both participants are adults, if they had met earlier in life it would not be until their 17th birthday that their relationship would be able to become fully sexual, while during their teen years there are sexual elements (it is almost impossible to bond with someone and never see them naked, for example) but exploration has it's biological limits and it isn't until both have turned 17 that they are able to participate fully in sexual activities. When an adult bonds with a child there is no sexual element whatsoever, the adult's sexual desires are overridden by a desperate need to protect and care. While the child bonds with the adult their relationship is far from romantic until the child reaches 17. The moment the adult sees the child or 'partner' their biological clock is overridden and they cease to age and mature until their partner reaches 17 years of age. Partnerships between adults (an adult being 17 years an older) and child where the adult is over 20 years of age are extremely rare and are heard of a few times each century. Everyone lives in slight apprehension that their partner will be a child, it is extremely hard to be the adult in a child/adult bond. However, parents secretly hope that their child will bond with an adult as the relationship is ideal for the child; they have an adult in their life who will provide protection and care equal to that of a parent, and often more so.

Closed - E - Chapters: 2/? - Words: 3,819 - Last Updated: Dec 10, 2012
669 0 0 6 0
Categories: Angst, AU,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel, Carole Hudson-Hummel, Kurt Hummel,

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Words: 1,820 - Posted: Dec 10, 2012
Chapter 2

Words: 1,999 - Posted: Dec 10, 2012


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