Oct. 11, 2011, 12:58 p.m.
Oct. 11, 2011, 12:58 p.m.
A hate crime leaves Blaine damaged and Kurt refuses to let it bring them down. A story told in moments of time throughout Blaine's recovery
Author's Notes: People always say write what you know, and I know brain inuries. I work with people who have brain injuries and I am constantly impressed and surprised at their strength, at what they overcome and accomplish everyday, and I wanted to document that. This is angsty, but also optomistic and hopeful. Each part has single moments in a long road of recovery and I tried to show both the severity of brain injuries, but also the achievements and success that come along with them.
Beautiful. Just beautiful. :)
Heartbreaking, but so good.
one of my All Time Favorite stories.
please finish this!
Such beautiful writing and heartwrenching tales
This is one of my favorite series
This is so, so beautiful!
This story is absolutely beautiful and heartbreaking! Every chapter leaves me full of hope and wanting to just cry for these beautiful boys.
touching and so real T_T