I Do, I Think Give Kudos Track Story Bookmark Comment

I Do, I Think

I do, Kurt vowed without thinking, and before the thought even reached his mind, he added, "I think." Immediately realizing what he'd just said, Kurt whipped his head up, but not to look at his shocked fiance - to look at his best friend Blaine. AU.

Author's Notes: This story was inspired by the So You Think You Can Dance dance "I've Got You" by Melanie and Marko. Look it up ;) It's gorgeous!

Complete - T - Chapters: 20/20 - Words: 46,388 - Last Updated: Oct 05, 2011
151,221 0 25 301 0
Categories: AU, Drama, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, OC,
Tags: friendship, futurefic,

Table of Contents


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amazing story!


Best friends wedding

Cute, cutey cute story. I liked it. All the misunderstandings, and the flashbacks and flashforwards... very strong plot, and the two OCs gave justice to their role in the story: the reader could easily give them characteristics even without knowing them previously, and this is one big accomplishment for a ff writer,i think.

Dear god the feelings this fic gave me. There are no words.

Fantastic fic! Love love love

I cried! Omg beautiful! Penny oh that got me. Fuck I need tissues! Xxx

I never, and I mean NEVER, read anything under an M rating, but the idea caught my eyes, and then that last chapter made them tear up. Fantastic job, touching, thoughtful, and just, beautifully done. Thank you so much for contributing such a lovely piece to the fandom and I can't wait to see any other works you have, or will be, submitting.

I really enjoy this story! I hope you update soon! :)

last chapter=;_____;

Oh god I'm still crying :) this is beautiful ;) I Was able to actually pitture this in my mind *_____* :D

rollercoaster of emotions. but it made me bawl like there was no tomorrow. it was disgustingly awesome and heart wrenching. i hate it so much ;A;

The ending was absolutely adorable!! Loved it completely :)

This series is so beautifully written :') It makes me feel all kinds of emotion


This story was really good all the way through..Your writing is amazing. Keep up the good work...Sequal Maybe?

This story... It ran like a movie in my head. In two days, I had completely devoured it. (It would have been one but things like a job and sleep got in the way).

This was so good I just read the whole thing. It's 4:49am and it's so good I didn't take bathroom breaks and I really have to pee! lol good job, can't wait for more. I would leave a better review, but like I said, I really have to pee.

Wonderful plot, a real 'page' turner.