Aug. 23, 2012, 8 p.m.
Aug. 23, 2012, 8 p.m.
Glee/Notebook crossover. It was the summer of 1940 and Kurt Hummel was seventeen. He'd always done what his parents had said. But then he meets Blaine Anderson, who makes him throw caution to the wind and even admit something that could be very dangerous indeed. It was the summer of 1940 when Kurt Hummel fell hopelessly and dangerously in love. Rating my go up in later chapters, but for now I think PG-13 is safe :) (I found the image when I googled Klaine Notebook kiss, so if you know the artist, let me know)
Author's Notes: Okay, so this may literally be the most AU thing I've ever written in my entire life, but I watched The Notebook and it screamed Klaine at me, so I obviously had to do this. I don't really want to write a super long author's note explaining the plot and which character is which, so hopefully the story will speak for itself. But if it doesn't, I want you to review with your question so I can answer it in the next chapter if I can. Also, I have a very bad track record with updating WIPs but I am so excited about this one that I will make myself see it through to the end. Though I do have school starting up soon, but I will find the time to sit down and update at least every other week (I know that's quite a stretch of time, but it may be the best I can do). One last thing and then I swear I'm done. A lot of this will be taken directly from The Notebook but I will try to limit it to just Noah's voiceovers and some iconic quotes that just have to be in it. I'm sorry if that's a bother to anyone.