July 22, 2013, 2:10 a.m.
July 22, 2013, 2:10 a.m.
AU: Kurt and Blaine made up in Thanksgiving, but never became friends again. Blaine Anderson goes heartbroken to NYC where he meets his roommate Kevin. And Kevin gives him the NYC welcome; a makeover. (graphic by (http://vreniii.tumblr.com/post/57789317994/i-tried-to-make-some-art-for-you-yue) Vren)
Author's Notes: Warnings: A LOT OF REFERENCES LIKE REALLY and Adam, if you think that's a warning. Check the warning. It's really happening. I'll probably link the thing at the end. So, lemme say, following canon till Thanksgiving, going AU after that. The thing is: Kurt and Blaine stopped talking. I guess that's all you need to know. I kinda started thinking about this all when (http://ameliahummel-anderson.tumblr.com/post/54275510954/stjimmyjazz-zavocado-girliesportsjunkie) this post happened (yeah that's my fake blog). It's Prologue + 15 chapters + Epilogue. Wrote it all in one day so my mum thinks I'm weird, but yeah. Also, a lot of OCs but also people from glee. And I don't own them and all that. The prologue is something that takes place in a further chapter. For (http://vreniii.tumblr.com/) Vrenand (http://vreniii.tumblr.com/) Micki (hey you two should meet each other)