May 28, 2012, 4:05 p.m.
May 28, 2012, 4:05 p.m.
AU Klaine Fanfic. The new kid Blaine Anderson joins the football team in his pursuit to live a "normal" life. However, his plan slowly begins to unravel due to a boy cheerleader named Kurt Hummel. Art is Cheerleader!Kurt and Football Player!Blaine by kiwakostalova
Author's Notes: This story takes place towards the beginning of season 2. Also, the Cooper in the story is not canon and instead is much like the Cooper Anderson from the AskTheAnderBros blog. This fic was inspired by the title pic which was drawn by the AMAZING Kiwa (kiwakostalova on tumblr). I highly recommend you check out her blog. She is extremely talented!
i absolutely love it! cant wait til its finished! :)
This story is awesome.